Pulse Installation Steps

NOTE: Pulse does not currently support Microsoft OLAP or Tabular.

Main Installation

  • After downloading the Pulse Server installation file, simply launch the installer with administrative rights
  • You will be prompted for an installation destination. The server footprint will not grow significantly, as such it does not require much disk space beyond the installed deployment.
  • You will then be prompted for the initial Pulse Configuration Settings:
    • Host URL Address: This is the URL address of the main Pyramid deployment. Be sure to specify HTTP or HTTPS correctly.
    • Authentication Key: This is the authentication key provided by your administrator from the main Pyramid admin console (see below)
    • Pulse Name: This is a simple caption that will allow your Pulse node to be easily identified inside the main Pyramid application
  • The installation will then proceed and complete. Services will be launched and your Pulse server is connected.

Authentication Key

The Pulse Authentication key is found on the "Pulse Nodes" page in the admin console, under "Data Sources".

  • First, select the relevant tenant that this Pulse Server node will be associated with
  • On the right, you'll see the "Pulse Key" for this tenant. Click "Copy to Clipboard"

In the installer, enter this key to ensure the Pulse node is authorized to connect to Pyramid (as described above).

Activating a Node

Once the Pulse server has connected properly, you'll see it appear in the node listing. By default all new nodes are disabled. To activate a node, set its status to enabled. Further details can be found here.

Changing the Pulse Configuration

To change a Pulse Server's configuration, launch the command line setup tool found under the installation path:

  • Windows: \setup\bin\start.bat
  • Linux: /setup/bin/start.sh

You will be prompted to enter the same details as described above. Once complete, the setup will update the Pulse Server services and the main Pyramid environment.

Note: The setup tool will show connectivity responses in the command line. Often, this can be an effective technique for debugging any connection issues.

Pulse and other Web Server Technologies

Pulse uses a very elegant, yet secure, technique for communication and therefore does not require complex networking changes or VPN setups to operate. However, when deploying the main Pyramid application, care should be taken to ensure the overlaid web technology supports core requirements for Pyramid and Pulse.

Pulse and Windows IIS

If using IIS, the site should be running with SSL to ensure secure communication. IIS itself should be setup as a reverse proxy against the main Pyramid application and, importantly, the Web-Socket protocol should be installed and operational.

When electing to install Pyramid with IIS , most if not all of this configuration is handled automatically.

Pulse and NGINX

If you elect to use NGINX, ensure that the WebSocket settings are enabled in the NGINX default file.